Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Easy Red Potato Recipe

Alot of you might already know about this easy and yummy recipe, but again I was clueless to this until my sis-in-law made it for us this past summer.  You literally only need 4 ingredients to make it and prep time is quick (depending on how fast you chop).

You will obviously need red potatoes.  The quantity depends on how many you are cooking for in your family, etc.  For my family of 4 (well OK 3...my son hates potatoes and Sophie eats like 3 or 4 wedges, but I have one hungry husband) I use about 4 good medium sized red potatoes.

Then the rest of the ingredients are olive oil, basil seasoning (or actually any kind of seasoning you prefer), and a bit of a stick of butter.

The How To:
  1. Wash and then chop up your red potatoes into small wedge pieces (you can peel the potatoes if you like, but I prefer the skin to stay on).
  2. Use a large baking dish.  Put in on a burner on the stove and put the heat on medium.  When the dish is warm, take your stick of butter and grease the pan all around.
  3. Put your potato wedges in the dish and put some olive oil on top.  I know what your thinking...HOW MUCH.  I hate recipes that tell you...put a "smidge" of something in.  I need exact measurements!  Honestly though I just swirl the olive oil around about three times and that is it. 
  4. Then sprinkle your seasoning on top as well.  Here is another no measurement instruction, but put enough to your liking.  For me, I like to really taste the seasoning so I put quite a bit on.
  5. Mix everything together and then stick it in the oven @ 375 degrees for an hour or until potato is soft.
This is how it looks before you put it in the oven (oh and I made alot this time for a get together):

I use it as a side dish for just about anything.  Enjoy!

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