Monday, October 11, 2010

Cheap Books & Scholastic

I am mostly new to this parenting job of mine.  I have little over 4 years experience with it now and I consider myself pretty much a pro at feeding, sleeping, diapering, potty training, and time outs.  However, all the millions of little things that would make me a genius at this job are still out there for the finding. 
My son started preschool this year and has been bringing home cute little Scholastic workbooks like this one.

They are a 4 page booklet that teaches things such as opposites, fire safety, school fun and even how an apple grows (I had no clue that it is a flower even before it starts growing as an apple).  I have heard of Scholastic before, but had no clue the great learning tool it is for kids.  Now, you don't have to have a child in school to reap the benefits, the cute little workbooks just gave me a push to actually go to the website to check out everything Scholastic has to offer parents, kids, teachers and administrators.  Go ahead and click below to check it out:

I remember last year a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to order some books through Scholastic for my son (her daughter was in preschool at the time and brought home an order booklet for her class).  Honestly, I pretended to know what it was (I couldn't look like a clueless Mommy!) and ordered these two adorable dinosaur books (which Coop loves) for I believe $7.  You can't beat that, I mean when you go to Target or Borders you are easily spending around $6 for just one book!

So this year I can't wait for the ordering booklet to come home from preschool so I can get some great deals on books for Christmas.  I am pretty sure it is across the board with everyone when I express how TIRED I get of reading the same books over and over. 

What if you don't have a child in school, a friend who had a child in school, or your child's teacher doesn't use Scholastic reference materials in class?  Well go online to the website and go to the Parents section and then to Scholastic Store.  You can buy books as low as $2.97 and is categorizes by age of the child. The best part is that shipping for books is cheap and free depending on the amount of your order (as long as you choose Standard shipping). 

One last note to this feel good story...Scholastic also sells toys, games, audio, video, software, arts and crafts.

So I keep learning and hope I don't miss out on any of the great tools/deals out there that make our jobs as Mommies that much better for everyone involved.

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